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Five Minutes With Trudy @ Chow Cacao

Five Minutes With Trudy @ Chow Cacao
We love Chow Cacao's chocolate because it's made with raw, organic and fair-trade cacao. It's also hand made in Byron Bay and infused with delicious flavours which fits with our local, organic and hand made theme perfectly. The packaging has a Willy Wonka flair to it with the chocolate encased in a shiny gold wrapper and we couldn't wait to eat it... I mean add it to our shop!

Cacao is a well known super food full of antioxidants and iron as well as being a natural mood elevator and anti depressant. What's not to like? So, we sat down with Chow Cacao's creator Trudy to find out how she got into the business of chocolate.

Tell us how you started your business and why?

My business started quite out of the blue actually. I never set out to be a chocolate maker…. But I have always loved creating delicious healthy chocolate treats in the kitchen. I think my passion for that and my part time job at the local chocolate shop got me going in the right direction to where I am today.

What is your favourite product and why?

My favourite product isn’t actually on the shelf stores just yet…. You’ll find out soon :)

What’s special/unique about your product?

My chocolate bars are made from the fewest, purist, nourishing ingredients. They are raw, organic and fair-trade where possible. I think what makes it differ from others is the way its hand crafted and its simplicity.

What’s new for your business over the next twelve months?

I will be bringing out a couple new products which I am really excited about and also new flavours will be popping up every few months. I feel Easter is going to be fun…. keep an eye out for my Easter treats.

Where’s your favourite place to go in Byron Bay?

Wherever there is amazing food…. which is actually everywhere. But if I take that amazing food to Whites beach, then I’m pretty happy.

What’s your favourite time of year in the shire?

Spring time! Not too cold, not too hot. Perfect time of year to sit on the beach at sunrise with a dreamy mug of hot chocolate.

Sum up your product in five words…

Dreamy, smooth, nourishing, chocolatey goodness!
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